The Yoga of Happiness and Bliss – Light On Ananda Yoga – Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast


The Yoga of Happiness and Bliss – Light On Ananda Yoga – Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Sant Kirpal Singh: “There lived in India Swami Shiv Brat Lal, a disciple of Rai Saligram [successor of Swami Ji Maharaj], who was advanced in spirituality but he gave out all these things about which I am now referring, in story form. He would bring out these very teachings of the Master in some novel like form in the Urdu language, of course, not in English. He did a splendid work, having brought out two, three thousand books, I think. Somewhere he takes the soul as a prince so that he may bring out a story with all these teachings given here. He did a very wonderful work. He has now passed away. He loved me much. I loved him too. He loved Master too [Hazur Baba Sawan Singh]. In all love, you see, he wrote many stories like that. Novels — very interesting — in which all these teachings of the Saints were included — given out. That will draw many people to the Truth.” (The Light of Kirpal, Sant Bani Books)

Today, a Sant Mat Satsang Podcast featuring readings from a rare Radhasoami (Radhaswami) spiritual classic, Light on Ananda Yoga – The Yoga of Happiness, by Baba Faqir Chand’s spiritual master Shiv Brat Lal (also known as Sant Daata Dayal Ji). Light On Ananda Yoga, was published in English in 1982 by Sant Bani Ashram with some editing guidance from my good friend Steve Morrow. “Ananda” means bliss and happiness and is Shiv Bral Lal’s description of Surat Shabd Yoga: the bhakti (love) of inner Light and Sound Meditation, the spiritual practice (sadhana) of Sant Mat, also known as the Radhaswami Faith.

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O August Radhaswami (Lord of the Soul),

Thou Living Self and Living Master,

Beneficent Father and Mother of All!

Be merciful – make us Thine own,

And thus save us from the snares of Time.

Past are the Golden Age and others,

Unknowing of the Heavenly Melody proper,

Yet now art Thou Merciful, in this hard Dark Age,

To chant in loud and lucid strains, the Sacred Word,

O Lord, having descended into this plane below,

Helpest Thou the living entities,

To span the Worldly-Ocean across;

To cast off the Trinity, and reach the Fourth Abode,

Whence the Living Name unfolds,

And the Living Mastership.

Bathed in Glory and Effulgent Light,

Thy servant tenders this Solemn Petition:

Grant us even The Regionless Region,

The Chief Abode, the Sphere of Bliss,

The Holy Refuge at Thy Feet,


– A Prayer of Sant Daata Dayal Ji (Shiv Brat Lal) of the Radhasoami Faith

In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,

James Bean

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